Tuesday, May 18, 2004


I think today is going to be a strange one. First off, Piddy's free drinks must have gotten the best of him... he didn't show up to work today. Smoke breaks with Piddy are just about the only structure my work days have lately, and when he doesn't make it in my schedule starts sliding around.

Secondly, the office is doing some sort of massive spring cleaning tonight and I need to clean off all the surfaces on my desk and walls. I have a tendency towards messiness; my desk is covered by piles of papers, cds, boxes and general detritus. Got to shove it all into a crate before I go home tonight. Of course, I could do all the cleaning now and get it out of the way, but that somehow doesn't seem likely. I am one hell of a procrastinator.

Yustin came over last night and we hung out a bit. Tried to set up Katie Clark, my beloved hookah, but the seal ring seems to be broken, so we never quite got it going. Watched the Lewis Black special again (funny, funny shit) as he hadn't seen it. Also played the Outkast double album for Yooie. I definitely prefer Speakerboxx to The Love Below, as the latter has too many crappy tracks in between the good ones, but like pretty much every double album there's one good disc of material between the two halves. I don't know why artists can't figure out that a double album almost invariably means they need to do some selective editing. Except, of course, The Wall, which actually manages to earn it's scope.


Philucifer said...

Sorry about not being yesterday. I'm sure you know how it is.

Yeah, had a little bit of fun at Nadine's. PoP is very cool. I got about 1/2 way through yesterday. The camera angles can suck, though. Not too pleased with them. I really prefer not having the game choose for me, but eh . . . what you gonna do?

John seems to be doing fine. Showed up in a t-shirt and shorts. Classy, classy guy.

Anonymous said...

Ferdinand snorts at me!? Damn...that horse just gets hotter by the second.

Hope you're having a swell day, kiddo. Oh, and tell that bitch to take my f-ing poncho off.