Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

Voted before work this morning. My polling station is PS 375 in Brooklyn, aka Jackie Robinson School. It was pretty packed... the line outside went around the block two corners. There's a large courtyard in front of the school where the poll workers were trying to organize the front of the line by Election District.

Unfortunately, the organization effort didn't go so well and the courtyard quickly filled up completely. The cops had to chain off the gate to the courtyard and let it clear out before letting the rest of us on the street in. I was the cut off, stuck right at the front of the line that was kept waiting. I got to hang out with a handful of annoyed cops who were trying to sort through the school employees and senior citizens who need to get through the line. Everyone seemed in pretty good spirits though, patiently determined to wait the lines out. This is what high turnout looks like...

I believe the election is going to turn on registration, turnout and enthusiasm. In two words: Ground Game. I think Obama is going to do even better than expected.

Found some really interesting Obama art around the web in various places... thought I'd throw a few up here for Election Day. Enjoy!



The Management said...

We're taking our munchkin voting this evening. Ever since he met Obama at a rally up i n NH, he's been enthusiastically following the campaign on NPR. I think he's more excited about election day than his birthday later this week.

Froggeh said...

That's awesome. You get pics of him with Obama?

I'm definitely more excited today than I was on my birthday this year...

The Management said...

No pics- Ethan was on my shoulders, so I couldn't wield the camera.

Haha, he just asked that we turn off cartoons so he can watch results on CNN. What kind of five-year old have we raised?!